Your business is likely already in the thick of planning out your hot summer promotions, but are your mailers ready to bring the heat?
Busy consumers will decide in a matter of seconds whether your postcards and other mailers will be kept or tossed. If you aren’t doing anything to set yourself apart with your design, your business will miss out on valuable connections with your audience.
Designing an eye-catching mailer is an art that can be difficult to master – but we’re here to help.
Here’s a few helpful insights into how you can ensure your direct mail campaigns make a bold, powerful impression on your audience.
Start with a great headline: The headline is likely the first thing your audience is taking a look at when they pick up your postcard. It should be clear and easy to understand, while identifying and supporting the focus of your marketing campaign.
Use crisp imagery: Use professional, high-resolution images that showcase your products or services, if appropriate to do so. These help your audience make an instant connection with who you are and what you do, but make sure they’re high-quality – pixeled or blurry photos will work against you.
Stay concise with copy: Don’t go overboard with the amount of text on your mailers, as this can cause clutter. Instead, keep things clean and concise, and instead motivate your audience to contact you for additional information. The copy you do use should be free of too much industry-specific jargon, too; you don’t want your audience to have to look up terminology.
Place logos prominently: Your logo is the core of your overall brand identity. Make sure you place it well in order to gain attention from prospects, and so that your location will be that much more memorable and easy to spot when they do decide to stop by.
Finish boldly: Including specialty finishes in your mailer design, such as die-cuts, rounded corners or foil finishes, can make a strong impression on your audience. When you really need to stand out, these design choices ensure your recipients spend more time with your message.
Create a strong CTA: Whether it’s an enticing offer online or a coupon to be redeemed in-store, your mailer should have a powerful call to action to motivate your audience to respond. These conversions can also be tracked to see how successful your campaign is!
Coordinate with digital: The best marketing campaigns have multiple channels supporting them beyond just your direct mail efforts. Use your mailers in tandem with social media, email or other online campaigns to develop a coordinated, consistent feel to your campaign that ensures your audience recognizes you no matter where they seek you out.
Marketing success and good design go hand in hand. As your local direct mail marketing experts, we’re here to help you create memorable materials that boost your bottom line. Call us today for a free consultation!